as long as i have reddit ;)))))
Flannel chaos update
bypass soon
For every upvote this post gets Ill walk 250 steps! Every comment is an extra 250 steps.
Last song you added
Discharged Today
Relationship ending after gastric bypass
Update and question, first time quilt-flannel chaos.
Who besides me likes orange and blue quilts?!?
Day 2/2 of clear liquid diet is over! Surgery is tomorrow! Im ready to my brand new start.
Surgery day!
My doc said I need the bypass due to acid reflux and barcode veins … wanted the sleeve but not a candidate.. need some help to decide
Asian food
Can people actually smell cigarette smoke on me?
Anything you had to do prior to surgery.
Tell me the silliest names you can ever think of for him.
Sleeve to rny due to complication after 8.5 years
Is it too late for me? 22 and 440lbs.
Finished my first HST top. Lots of wonky-ness but I still love how it turned out!
Help me decide!
Which songs lyrics make you cry?
My 2024 year in quilts!
First block
Help needed! Which looks better?