best place to watch women’s sports
Can I get in trouble for being high if I go to the store where I work to get snacks when I’m not working
Corporate visits are a complete joke! You know it!
Famous people?
amazon returns..
TOW the routine
What are some places in buffalo you go when you’re uninspired/down?
What do you tell customers when they yell at you to open up another cashier? And why is there no one at customer service for help and returns? Also we only have like 2 cashiers and the lines do get very long. Day in and out I get customers take their anger out on me. How do you deal with it?
does anyone know who this kitty is?! i need her desperately
Worth it but still..
Scarf around my head or scarf around my neck 🤔? Can’t decide 👉🏾👈🏾🥺
Lack of E-comm leadership (rant)
My thrift store recently stopped accepting returns or exchanges. Neat!
Amazon returns
Didn’t even try to hide it
Does gen z like Girls?
$35 for a purse. sure it’s michael kors but this is a THRIFT shop jfc (also the tag mysteriously fell off when i was shopping and when i asked them to price check it at the till, it was magically half the original asking price)
Yall Im tired of breaking brushes while detangling hair!! Do y’all have any good brush recommendations?
What is a lesbian stereotype that you do NOT fit into?
How do I stop being friends?