I very likely have PTSD for a ‘small’ thing and it makes me feel so incredibly alone.
Do you guys Agree with me??
Which A levels are you doing and what career are you aiming for at the moment?
I wonder what a levels shes doing
What to expect from my first folk punk show?
Will all 9s get me a scholarship for a very good private school? If not, what else do I need to do?
What is your favorite unheard band?
Songs about community, friends, resilience, or feeling loved & cared for?
Loser found
How have you guys' prom been?
weird results day nightmares, anyone?
will i be disqualified for eating my exam paper?
who else is looking for jobs 😭
Further Mathematics Paper 2 - Exam Megathread
I’m haunted by all my mistakes this exam season
how eduqas felt after making the 10 marker on music for ensemble rather than film music
Music - Exam Megathread
Africa/Badinerie ON TOP
I'm just so fucking happy, guys
When is prom for you and are you excited for it?
Physics (Triple Science) Paper 2 - Exam Megathread
What would happen if at the end of an exam you just refused to leave your seat no matter what anyone said or done you stay sitting until many days pass?
Longest TMG songs?
Further Mathematics Paper 1 - Exam Megathread