Aita for permanently banning my husband’s friends from our house?
If you could visit your teenage self for 10 seconds what would say ?
How am I supposed to trust when almost everyone breaks my trust
Is there anyone with BPD out there actually thriving in life?
I just found out all of my friends actually, truly, hate me.
Do you guys think it's best for people with BPD to be friends with other people who have BPD?
Do any of you have real believeval supernatural stories
Am I justified
Do you experience chronic anhedonia?
What does splitting feel like for you?
Terrible experience with therapist today.
What did you think would never happen to you, until it did?
I think I met a vampire? Help?
do people's face's piss you off for no reason?
Married redditors, how frequently do you shower with your partner?
I think I met a demon in my lucid dream. Anyone have a similar experience?
breakup with a person who was good for you
Wash n’ go appreciation post for my fellow short, 4c low density girlies
How Often Do Borderlines Split? / Discussion about BPD Splitting
What age do you think your BPD started at?
Paranoia, how do you experience it?