BEHOLD, Philosophers Stone made with only Rainbow Cap (And copious amounts of salt)
I've seen alot of people in the balatro community that scary face is a thousand times worse than smiley face.
1 Item / 2 Item Philosopher Salt
Questions about BoH (saves+HoL) and tips for CultSim.
Timer imprecision
What is paint for? (BoH)
Nina Lagasse wants to know why you haven't yet wishlisted TRAVELLING AT NIGHT
We're LB and AK, aka Weather Factory. AMA!*
Shower Thoughts: There Is No Compassion in The Mansus
I'm not developing a fangame. Here's some progress I've made on that.
Denzil, you knew Kernewek Henavek THIS WHOLE TIME?
What is your favorite build?
Which racial ability would you spend a Feat on to acquire?
Transmutation wizard inquiry
All the ways to add fire damage to a melee attack?
What do these normal lines vs doted lines mean?
Book of Hours: What did you misunderstand?
Looking to optimize Artificer - Ranger multiclass
What items have you found good use with a Thief Rogue?
Can a steel defender repair an autognome?
Ways to use charisma as a barbarian?
Best way to reduce damage taken for allies?