Can’t remember song name.
Really Canada. Cant you put your fukcing smoke somewhere else
H: legacy W: tv aquarium/other good plans
[pc] H: 1* quad railway rifle W: caps
[pc] H: 2* QFFR combat rifle W: offers
H: V/25/25, AA/25/15FR Radiums, Q/25/25 Lever Action Rifle, B/25/25 Western Revolver, B/25/15FR Pipe Rifle, AA/50/25 Ultracite Laser Rifle, AA/50/15FR Railway W: Rare apperal offers, or other offers.
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[pc] H: foundations vengeance, pepper shaker plan W: bloodied pistol offers
[pc] H: pepper shaker plan W: NSSS dcg
[pc] H: foundations vengeance W: bloodied pistol or cool shit
H:BE15 Gat Plas + JE laser rifle W:weapon offers
H: BE Minigun 2* W: Vampire chainsaw
H: B50c15v Thirst Zapper W: offers
Bibby please, the one at home is a like Kidz Bop cover
What do you want?
What do you do if your s/o says no at the altar?
To The Waiters/Servers/Bartenders of Reddit: if a customer dines and dashes, who is financially responsible to cover the bill? The restaurant, or the server?
What is thermal ink tattoo can anyone get them or just actors ?
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[Serious] Social media influencers who traded on your own physical attractiveness, but then grew older and less attractive: how did you handle it, emotionally, operationally, financially, etc.?
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