Round 1! Which song sounds sad & has sad lyrics?
Reissueing the Inferno GhostFace with a close robe?
My ranking of The Black Parade
Top HHN YouTubers?
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Yall think I’m getting my stuff soon
Somebody tell me I did good 😭
The fuq was that?
Ok guys this is actually not ok
Bullets album tattoo Ideas?
Blursed_This YouTube video
Officially done as a fan. Money talks
How the hell you supposed to beat jill and wesker ?
Just pre ordered it, so excited
BHVR clarify use of bots in 2v8
YZYSply get your shit together!
New Leatherface Ultimate out of the box next to the original release.
Favorite song off every album?
where were you when you first heard MCR
Is Michael Myers well written? As a character
Are my new Yeezy slides too small?
Size 2 for 5.15ft and 99pounds ?