Thoughts on Joey and Monica’s latest episodes?
Sara is honestly the most gorgeous person ever
Uhh am I supposed to be able to see this?
Favorite couples this season
I think I caught something?
Begging blizzard to let us set card backs for arena runs
Predictions for the alter
Very convincing, Virginia
A story in 3 pictures
Ok I’m sold these two are adorable
Has the reunion been filmed yet?
Joey’s vibe was off!
Lauren’s Mom
Production really made these 2 go to church hungover AF 😂
New best person this season dropped
Dave’s drunken apology
You have a 14.6% chance to earn your money back on arena.
Stop gossiping about Dave the local Minneapolis celebrity!!
State of arena RN
Justice for Virginia
Production headhunting cast
“Bueller?” was the cutest moment of the season so far
Thoughts after today’s released episodes
Anyone waiting for ALL the eps to release before binge watching? 🍿
Taylor is kinda doing too much in this ig thing...