Who the hell is this guy?
Stanley walked through the Red door.
tell me i'm not the only one who actually reacts to what the narrator says:D
what do y'all call these in your country?
Pick a number from 1-1,440 and I'll give u a song to try
He's here! Got him for my birthday today :3
Imagine if your name was actually Jim and you got jumpscared by the name button
Is this an ending?
Some fan art of The Narrator I made
So, I Was Playing TSPUD The Other Day, And...
Maturing is realizing Anya has two hands :)
This fandom is crazy 💀
This sub just dies after Sundays now.
Which mob from the mob vote would you like to see in Minecraft right now?
I'm back very briefly to asked a question (See body text pls) (the designs here are old and I hate them)
I realised how much The Exit 8 felt like a much smaller Stanley Parable.
The “British guy plays Stanley parable” guy gave up YouTube
There are -1 genders
What is your all time fav song?
What is y'all's favorite Stanley Parable ending?
Bug or feature? The Mac version is a little wack
seems like something i will find in TSP:UD