Tried making a guardsman color scheme but it just looks like he’s wearing khakis.
He did a Nazi salute twice and he's a part of the government. He did a Nazi salute twice and he's part of the government.
1 Year ago
Political discourse in 2025
Doing something historical for Powerwolf community
Sternguards Veterans, totally normal chapter
What ging on with my ichtys?
To all the bisexual men
$1M but for a year, every time you sleep and wake up your height changes
Madlad tricks parents into letting him sleep with his partner:
swagalicious dump
Why does that even exist
There are many sad chapters in American history.
What is this?
WIP of my first deathguard model
Is this a real text from Sunpass?
Angron is Battle Ready!
Opening the door to my house, I saw my wife in a violent orgy where people were tearing and biting hunks of flesh from their bodies whilst simultaneously climaxing.
Hey look, an MoE proxy!
There’s always that one kid
Petah, what is going on here?
What were poor investments or hobbies you made coming out bootcamp? (Ex. Cars, gaming, stuff)
Every time you orgasm your genitals switch
Petah why is it 45 minutes help!
Guys let's go