The New International (2WRW version) - Biggest Possible ComeCon and ComIntern Extent
Arisen From Despair ( A Shameless self promotion post)
How Do You Make The Dominican Commie?
That moment when you realize most of the staff at mother base speak Kikongo
Flag map of Post Rodavesky Russia (with unified russias) thoughts?
The Transitionary Man: Part #2 THE USP CONGRESS 1st Runoff
The Transitionary Man - Prologue Part #2 - The 1946 USP Congress
[Event]Change To Laws Regarding Length Of Service
TNO Patch v.1.7.0a "Operation Deep Freeze"
Eastern Europe Liberated by Anarchy
"What The Fuck You Mean You Annexed the Rest Of Russia"- Speer
Bulls On Parade (2WRW)
Heldenvolk: Old soldiers never die, they just fade away...and then come back for vengeance!
TNO Patch v.1.6.0a "So Far From God"
TNO: The Visual Expansion submod - teaser of the Lacerda tree from 'Bull and Crow' update
How would proxy wars work for Hall or Yockey?
anyone notice this?
Imperial Russian Army Soldiers In Trench In Eastern Prussia During World War 1- Unknown Date-638x361. ( Colorized)
Whose superevent of declaring the 2WRW in the submod you like the most?
The Death Of Tukhachevsky
The Clash Of Titans, 2WRW-Serov AAR
Democracy Now! And Forever!, TNO-2WRW Petlin AAR
As the devs dont fear me yet here´s the Free French AAR!
Who are you gonna sit with?
One Bet: For All Humanity - To The Final Pages of History