H: 50 Leaders, 100 BG, 100 Nuka Dark & 100 B-Tats W: Demon Mask
[XBOX] I’ve got a set of 4🌟 mods you’re choice of the the 3 sets RNG 1-750 Winner pulled in 48HRS 🍀Good Luck🍀
H: Limit-Breaking & Viper’s W: Bully X2
What’s your biggest pet peeve in FO76 right now?
H: 100K Lead & 100K Steel W: WPJS
Herbivore or Carnivore
[XBOX] I have a princess backpack plan RNG 1-500 will draw in 24hrs 🍀GOOD LUCK🍀
[XB1] W:Taxidermy camp items H:Caps
H:USA and Raven mask W:150leaders
H: Responders Fireman Helmet W: 550 Leaders Or GSBQ
H: GP Cal. Cap. Plan W: 50 Leaders
H: 100K Lead & 50K Steel W: WPJS
H: 100K Lead & 50K Steel W: Wpjs
H: Princess Backpack Plan W: 10K Caps TIA
H: Leader Bobbles W: Unarmed Bobbles and Covert Ops #8 1:2
H: 10 Leaders W: 50 SweetWater Special Blend 1:5
H: 10 leaders W: 1 Powered mod
H: 25 Leaders W: 50 Unarmed Bobbles 1:2
W: dark nuka h: offers pls
H: Displayable Misc W: Offers/Info
Can you sneak past the one-shot mole miners in Phase 2 of the raid at all?
H: 75K Lead & 75K Steel W: W: WPJS & USA Mask
H: Sentinels Mod W: 3* Strength Mod
H: 250K Lead & 100K Steel W: Leader Offers