You HAVE to work for one. Who and why ?
Mad about price increase
Gained weight!
What Seinfeld opinion are you defending like this?
How can we change the healthcare system to incentivize PREVENTION instead of TREATING disease?
Why are they so dirty in S1?
Are You Ever Just… Struck stupid?
Zepbound Face 😊
Lost Bingo: Most Honest
FastTrak tolls must be paid today
Is this FastTrak tolls text message a scam?
Car Insurance discount, installing ignition and immobilizer?
Insurance discount on electric vehicle with Ignition Immobilizer?
I always liked gauis
AITA for telling a woman her baby is not a miracle?
Lost Bingo: Fans' Favorite Female Character
Is there an episode of Seinfeld that genuinely disturbs you or creeps you out?
What have you started doing because of Seinfeld?
Who is this? Wrong answers only
Favorite recurring gag?
Frank Costanza is barely recognizable
How I feel about this subreddit
100k saved, enough to start over? away from toxic household
How safe are companies offering online-only CDs, if the company name is totally unheard of?