Alright guys, it’s been two weeks. Who did you vote for?
Finding the Community's Character Ranking - Day 4. Who is your top 3 out of the characters not yet ranked?
Finally not an S, a B for Gaty, BFDI community ranking day day 26 : Gelatin
Finding the Community's Character Ranking - Day 3. Who is your top 3 out of the characters not yet ranked?
Rate my Top 10 Total Drama characters out of 10 😃
How would you have reacted three months ago if someone told you that Benji would outlast these characters?
What is the coldest Disventure Camp take yall have
Who’s Your Favorite Blondie?
I don’t think I’ve seen this little players in a while.
Okay guys, say it with me now!
After my ranking of the Total Drama Reboot characters made an abysmal S3 elimination order, here's an elimination order I actually think is good!
Basic... or based-ic?
Who do I look like?
Ranking Total Drama seasons by how good their finale and first episodes are
What’s a TV show from your childhood that you let your kids watch?
You have to get rid of one. Which one do you pick?
Which placement do you consider would be the perfect for her in a season 3? 1/16
my total drama opinion square
Which would you pick?
Who did you vote for in BFDIA 17 and TPOT 15?
What's a cartoon everyone likes but you hate I'll start
Who is your favorite first boot?
My first ever Danganronpa edit