Which EX card has haunted you the most?
do you think Jevil roots for the redsox?
Looking for some guidance on how to deal with a certain situation
guys i just realized, of the 10 or so friends i see on a near daily basis, 7 of them are trans. what does this mean for me
Ghost & Neurodivergence
Twin Theory
Does anyone know why the new Papa name is Perpetua and not Emeritus?
Thoughts on "Satanized?"
Nihil has no idea how cool his sons are bro 💔
I saw this on X about the new Papa and my head exploded
KSU as an LGBT+ student?
2,278 cards and still haven't pulled a gold crown rare 😭 anyone else?
what’s an obscure quote from something you enjoy?
when you play games do you loudly voice act all the dialogue to yourself?
Pretty sure this has been done a billion times, but here’s my rankings of everything
how do yall do eyeliner? anyone have good tutorials??
Listen to Kirby.
what papa is on these booty shorts??? never seen this merch before, i swear if this is how i find out
I am in love with the idea of a disgraced hero & am desperate for more characters that follow this path.
Who the hell is asriel?
Do you think Big Shot was inspired by the Vile stage theme in Megaman X1?
Which card do you think is better as far as building a deck with it and why?
are all mechanical or metallic pokémon manmade? or are they made of hardened flesh that mimics steel?
Question do I need to worry how far I am or am I fine and do I still have a lot of playtime left
Career path for a nameless ghoul?