What's your favourite emoji?
Any tips to confess to my crush?
Why’s is this game so hard
Anyone else feel bad about killing stuff in the game?
Sh jokes
Most annoying champion?
I feel empty
Which area/region do you spend the least amount of time in? Where do you find yourself always running around and exploring?
Yall im bored anyone wanna be frens?
Breath of the Wild. Does it get better?
Give me what's on your ctrl + V
Handheld or big screen?
Im not a fan of puzzles
Does *that* a lot
Ganon boss fight was way more easy than I thought.
why do people keep saying i sh?
Does Zelda being trapped ever break your immersion in the exploration? Do you ever feel like you should be saving her instead of completing another shrine you don't need?
My one cat has a fascination with this game and loves to watch Link run around on screen.
What was your dumbest moment in your BotW playthrough?
Scars hurt?
Two funner facts about Vah Naboris
Is links hair brown or blond
Cut too deep
Does order matter?
[LoZ] TLoZ will be 40 years old next year