FB Seller: Aw I hope your little one likes the toy! The “little one” in question:
It’s Friday, you’re going out to get hammered and have one hell of a night. You can only take 3 with you, who and why?
I finally feel at home
Overwhelmed by fiance’s clutter
“You sweet idiot.”
What line did it for you?
Brent Butt’s book “Huge”
more east asian cazador before i sleep sleep
What’s the vibe this Monday?
What is this kink? Am I the only one?
Companions on their periods
I wish I could be better for him but I just want him to hurt me
What is your favorite cameo?
Does Clover look like an alien??
Roleplaying Advice
I am burning so many bridges
Anyone else from the Sherlock fandom first?
He looks very pleased with himself 😂
I need reaction pics
Rae & Astarion wish everyone a happy V-Day. And a little appreciation from me in the post itself.
How much do normal people remember their life?
When is it okay to just…give up?
Do vampires poop?
drop your favorite ship memes here for valentine’s day 😘