Why aren't eyebrow piercings infinitely more popular than they are?
Bivši vegani/vegetarijanci, zašto ste ponovo krenuli jesti meso?
Taking myself on a date! (: Felt cute lol. What do we think?
Which boots?
Družite li se s ljudima iz osnovne i srednje škole?
Red dresses 💃💃💃
How do you rate Odyssey on a scale of 1 to 10?
Gejmerice, koje igre volite igrat? Koliko vremena izdvojite dnevno?
Back with another classic “which boots post”
Black or white?
Help me choose an outfit for tomorrow 😊
Found the cutest Strawberry Shortcake sweater for $2!
With or without scarf?
Sta da kupim zeni za rodjendan?
How do you rate Valhalla on a scale of 1 to 10?
Hvala na druzenju ekipa, napustam drzavu danas pa zelim svima srecu koji ostajete tu.
Opčinjenost Japanom
Što vam se dobro dogodilo u prošlih 5 godina?
Star White really does live up to the name
More dressed up or more casual for a quick lunch date?
Rachel Green inspired outfit
Does the red or white dress look better ?
I am planning to buy one and would like to hear from you guys. Is it a really good EV machine from comfort, driving experience and for the money.
YouTube Full Screen?
Zašto su mi skoro sva prijateljstva jako labilna?