Here's my 4 to 6 Method for Duke. I get 20% Faster Kills With An Arclight, 10% Faster With Emberlight
Here's Part 2 of My Ludicrous Playthrough, The Egyptian Campaign. This Campaign Is Doable So I'd Recommend You Try It. It Is Hard Though.
I'm doing all of the campaigns on Ludicrous difficulty, here's part 1
Here's The Finale Of My Ludicrous Fall Of The Trident Campaign Playthrough, Enjoy!
AOM RETOLD GLITCH Campaign Glitch Units Freezing
Campaign events are broken. You only face the first wave of attacks, the rest of the attack events don't trigger with this new patch.
True Soul Altar When?
Barrows Dragon, A Dragonkin Did An Internship Under Sliske, Just Go With It
So are calcified remains worth doing on a main or iron
Nostalgic Free to Play Music Mix 2
Here's 6 things you should do before Leagues ends
My Thoughts And Ideas On The New Survey
I like being able to sneak in a weapon into a "no weapon fight". I hate that you can't do it in the new goblin quest, they should change that.
There's A Dragon Katana Already In The Game, Would Be Cool To Allow Us To Get Them
Why Couldn't we just ride a giant eagle to get to Mordo- I mean castle Drakan
People Liked My Last One, So Here's 6 More Things To Do Before Leagues Ends
Help needed
I find these stats funny, how many people logged into a leagues world by mistake.
Is there any use for quartz without desert in Leagues?
I made another mix, this time its gnome music :) enjoy!
Partially transparent mage gear looks sick, it would be cool to see more of it in the game, or transmogs with transparent bits.
I made a quick guide for enriching bones and using them on the strange machine since there is a leagues task for it, this got me almost 2m prayer exp so I'd recommend you use up your rare fossils here.
I prefer teleporting to a tele-pad like they have at TOB, especially if you're teleing to an advanced magic user area.
People were asking for a 1v3 Arena of the Gods tutorial so I made a guide for it if people are still having trouble. EXTREME difficulty ofc but doing what I did at lower difficulties should work as well. Enjoy!
The Ice/Fire Giant Boss Should Have Ice and Fire Giants Fighting Each Other Outside Of The Boss Area, Kinda Like In Godwars.