Guys I found 1000 Gyats in my grandma's boxer. Am I rich now? (I'm Vietnamese btw)
What’s a modern trend you think people will regret in 10 years?
Best soapy scents
i need help translating a word(or phrase?)
First time horse boi is useful for a win
I just went all in
First God Pack
Alexander Isak is good at football and worth considering
Russian-proposed railway from New York to Paris
What would Myanmar’s situation be like right now if resistance never happened after the coup ?
If you won won a $50,000,000 lottery, what in your life WOULDN’T change?
What are ways to make money online as a teenager in Myanmar(Burma)
Doubling-up - Forwards
You’re still early. But, get off of zero.
What are these things on the wall? Poop? cacoon?
Myanmar Night Life Questions
Situation in Yangon now for people looking to travel.
What is this bug? About two inches with two long antenna
Burmese community in Atlanta
A planet or a worn-out tire?
A soldier from Myanmar resistance forces decorating his boot with insignia taken from fallen Myanmar Army officers
A COUP brought me to Crypto world. Now I stayed as a believer because it can help my country in so many ways
A man is pointing a brightly colored, plastic gun at you. He screams "It's Nerf or nothing!" and pulls the trigger. You are struck by three foam darts. How do you respond?