NYPD Licensing Division - Valid Phone Numbers
How safe is this area in Newark?
Is this banned in NYC? (Asking for a friend)
Can I get the email for Hough Boyle and others?
Dealing with temptation with Fiancé
What makes a shotgun a assault shotgun?
Colossians 3:2
I accidentally dropped my perfume bottle…
Fee Waiver/Checklist
Ccw timeline (Application still on submitted since 9/16/24)
Get help with the CCW application or do it myself?
What God do you hope gets added?
Nations of Canaan
2024 NYC CCW Timeline 6 Months
Can you get a ccw permit as your first pistol permit? (Suffolk)
Modifying shotgun after purchase.
Shotgun Plug
NYC Round capacity (Handgun/Rifle/Shotgun)
Finally - 10 months & 10 days
Hypothetical Gun scenario
Don’t Let Hochul Know
Celebi transfer
I think I’m ok guys
CCW timeframe?
How many cans of compressed air do I need