If you spend more than 2-3% of your salary on an engagement ring you dumb
Recently realized I'm a manipulator and a liar....
Fooping is the best form of masturbation
High School math prodigy gets absolutely COOKED
US Justice Department to Seek Breakup of Live Nation-Ticketmaster
A teacher at my school wants to date me
Why are black men stereotypically more accepting of overweight women?
You definitely can and should rub someone's nose over something that you warned them about.
Most of the "successful" people are bullies.
Being in the 2020s suck ass
Do people really apply for 200 800 2000 jobs and dont get a single one.
DOs and NPs are far beneath MDs and it’s not even close.
FAM Transition Rant
Estimate your work efficiency
I got skinny shamed today
How much of a problem do you think squatting is?
Be a bully for $5M a year (tax-free) at a middle school or continue your current job?
What is one thing that has changed the world for the worst?
I don't want to hear food health advice from someone heavier than me.
Uh where are the actually sexy clothes for plus size women??
Some cultures are better than others
People who genuinely enjoy watching animals kill and eat each other is extremely disturbing
Skinny women with big asses is so unattractive
Jerking off to anime women it's not morally wrong
People who try to provoke other people to commit suicide are some of the worst people in the world.