Using Shorts To Make Money or Grow channel
Why Do Our Higher % Viewed Shorts Perform Worse?
Battle City Cards We Don't Have in the TCG
Traditional style tattoo of my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh monster
Alternate version of Jaden Yuki
Sharing YouTube Videos to Facebook?
What number of hashtags is best for Shorts?
How many hashtags for shorts?
Short Preforms incredibly, but youtube won't show it?
Impressions on Shorts plummeting, how can I get more?
Bringing people into the Chuck family
How would YOU errata your favorite busted banned cards?
Seen this on other subs, which episode for Chuck?
Yugi VS Pegasus Duelist Kingdom Character Deck Duel
I officially quit today.
Banlist idea
Fan term for moving monster to spell/trap zone
How did you get into Yugioh?
The only reason flame swordsman became a Fusion Monster (for no reason) was the December 1998 video game.
Yugi is Overpowered
How would you hit Snake Eyes in the next banlist?
Conflicting Info on Hardwood Floors
Don't know what to do about old hardwood floor/subfloor
Joey Wheeler's missing cards: "Landstar" theme