What is your bang for buck bag?
Scene: this is serious! Like, not just serious, but jail time serious! What are we going to do??
A twitter feed
What would he drive?
I just learned that I have aphentasia
Kissing is kinda of gross
Which rapper is in your opinion, the most intelligent rapper of all time?
I grew up Jehovah's Witness, I know what it takes to change someone's mind. You guys are the only ones doing the right thing
What is a food that makes you think, “How did humans discover this was edible?
A band where every member gives financial advice but lost everything on Dogecoin. What’s their name?
What somthing 99% of people do wrong, but have no idea?
The most craziest sentence to then follow up with ".... Anyways..."
I love my 101s
Name one thing you do that if everyone did, the world would be a better place.
Scene: Things you can say about a touchdown but not your love life.
I keep seeing this magnet and a genuinely don't get it
We do what now…?
best scrambled tofu i've made so far
Anyone use Meat Church rubs before cooking?
by members of Congress to enter the Department of Education
What can I do to prevent this woman from parking ON my fence?
To remain employed after an extremely racist tirade
Walking down the wrong street
Am I overreacting if he has to put all of this on the food I cook for him?
MMW Biohacker millionaire Bryan Johnson will not live to be very old