Looking for a game in which I can play an ice-element based character
Being stunlocked, dragged across the map or cornered are the main reasons for my deaths
What is currently your biggest disappointment/issue in this game?
Is the matchmaking really bad or is it just me?
How do Beginners go about getting into the game during the Burning Event?
.255 Patch Known Bugs (Player Version)
Kiwi Ears - Orchestra Lite ears hurt
Kiwi Ears - Orchestra Lite IEMs hurt ears
Upgrading from extremely cheap in-ear headphones as a casual Spotify enjoyer - What do I go for?
What is this style called?
Did I mess up
hextech swain is live
New Mythic Rotation Skin Still No Hextech Grandad Swain :(
What would you change to swain part 2 (R2 electric boogaloo)
What would you like to change on swain?
What role do you prefer to play as when playing Swain and why?
Swain Heartsteel makes me happy.
Why do almost all swain builds want you to take liyandirs
So Swain Wild Rift Build suggestions...
When was the last time Hextech Swain was in rotation?
What is a Video Game you think everyone needs to play at least once in their life?