What’s everyone’s favorite Kenny death?
Movie protagonist(s) who is/are low (high?) key terrible?
What song has the best bassline?
You’re not as bad at mathematics as you think
Why is Season 2 hated?
Pop Music Is Awful
Spongebob is a horrible show
[Storm Runner] appreciation post
Chocolate chips need to GTFO ice cream
What one song (studio or live) makes you the most emotional? Or gives you that transcendental moment that is unmatched?
What’s your favorite album of 2017?
According to FiveThirtyEight, Trump’s anti-trans policies are his most popular policies. His foreign policy is very unpopular.
AIO: PrElon in action
Hey there, I’m looking for movie recommendations with the same warm, feel-good vibe as classic romantic comedies and light dramas. If you know any films like these, I’d love to hear your suggestions! Thanks!
What did you guys think of the movie Bros? (2022)
DreamWorks movies
What are my fellow gays favorite songs made by gay artists?
35 gay AF
Which film has the most memorable monologue?
Those of you who were fans by Kid A… what was your reaction?
Male voice (Thom Yorke-like) needed to work on dirty-pop-rock demos
What’s you top three favorite Jim Carrey films? Any underrated recommendations?
Partisan split on the views of Americans on foreign governments.
Feedback on my first ever synthwave track - on all platforms!
Riders on Stardust Racers!