To Cromolyn, or not to Cromolyn. That is the question.
Tryptase Blood Test during Flare
H1/H2 Blockers
Pepcid (Famotidine) Feedback
DAO supplement
DAO enzyme supplements
Observations from 1st week on cromolyn sodium, would like to hear y’all’s feedback.
Cromolyn Dosing
Cromolyn vs nasalcrom spray
I just want to eat enough to get proper nutrition..
Experience with Cromolyn Sodium?
Started cromolyn a a few days ago again
Cromolyn instructions
H1 Antihistamines
Got a tension headache diagnosis
MCAS vs IBS GI Symptoms
Starting Cromolyn
Trying Meds
Oral Cromolyn
Hard to have a job
Doctor perscribed me Cymbalta (duloxetine) for GI issues, anyone take ADs for that?
MCAS Diagnosis