Caveman levels of communication with a trade binder
Free - 500 trade tokens - 120 hourglasses tonight with update
What do you think of my whack grass deck?
Will 2 stars ever be tradeable?
Fixed the logo guys, don't worry
You can trade a Charizard for another Charizard to get the icon.
Didn't they leaked a new card rarity, Is it for shiny mons?
what a joke of a trading system
The most frustrating part about trading is that we already had a perfect currency for it.
Right before the new pack drops is when I find the deck I’m most comfortable with.
You can’t even choose the card you want to trade for
Today's update
Bootlicking Mods removed so im reposting
Let's face it, the game does NOT want you to trade cards
Welcome to the new Stall meta
Finally Farfetch'd is nerfed
Behold, the future meta.
Mass Confusing coming (1st pic actual card, 2nd for clarification)
New Eevee be like.
The picnic gang awe
Let's welcome our newest member.
PTCGP re-releasing Eevee for the 73rd time in 2038
This suggests that duplicates may not be needed for trading
Here me out, I have a theory