Don't worry buddy you get him soon
Some advice please and thanks
These are the 4 champs I totally love playing, what are yours?
How’s echo grinding for you guys?
The state of echo placements in Rinascita.
Surely this can become a skin later down the line right?
Rover learning new tech…
If you could pick which character gets a skin next, who would you pick? How would you want the skin to look like?
Are these good for where am currently?
How do I get the ! To go away?
Managed to grab him is his weapon needed? or can i use other weapons
Question for pulls!
Today has been the day where I’ve gone from destiny to Warframe…
Are these going to be skins?
What yours thoughts on these?
Finally have all the akali skins (ignoring the 2022)
Quick question will this winter outfit come back this year ?
They always give it to you when you are trying not to spend money
"Your Shop" Is out!! Drop yours below
Returning player
My game glitched out...
Finally got her now time to save for upcoming banners
Weekly Gacha & Echo Megathread - Week 47, 2024
Drifter fashion