What is the actual price?
Look what you made me do...
How do I find new music?
Can somebody tell me what's going on?
Warum haben Bankkarten ein Ablaufdatum?
FRITZ!Box im Update hängen geblieben?
Show me the best screenshot you have took in a game
Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade (3 Months Free - US Apple ID)
Salzburg: Turn down the Coca Cola and buy your Cola alternative from sour country
Spain turning Non EU products upside down on shelves in shops as a form of boycott
Portugal upside down products at Lidl!
Italy upside down Mondelez products at Conad (local chain)
Berliners have also joined the movement and are working hard 🫡
Went to my local supermarket today (Germany)
PSA: don’t keep flash drives plugged into your laptop while in transit
Ich habe (10) Mal eine Frage
Weiß jemand warum das Paket immer noch in der Filiale liegt?
How to remove recent artist/albums from ‘Your Library’
Da war ein Profi am Laminiergerät
Portal don't connect with mobile hotspot
An wen hat der Zusteller mein Paket gegeben? Hab eine Karte an BGS geschickt und hab Angst dass sie jetzt nie mein Paket erhalten haben
Oh to watch this show again for the first time...
Brightness slider