To anybody on my profile- Why? Tell me (image unrelated)
Type "I like waterfalls" with closed eyes
Type "skibidi toilet" but your eyes closed.
Type your username name with eyes closed.
We all know who the real mvp was
Type the following phrase with your sight organ (both) closed
Type "EMERGENCY FROG SITUATION" while your eye are closed.
Type "I summoned" and let auto correct finish it for you. I'll start
Type Furby is and have autocorrect finish.
Type “I AM GRANDMA!” With your eye closed.
Does anyone remember hearing a news story about an Amazon worker who died in their car and the car was covered in snow? My dad told me about this and I want to find out more
You have no choice but to tell me😤
Can somebody send me a link to the broken strings discord server?
Type “My friend is a” and allow autocorrect to complete it
type “i know matt rose is” and let autocomplete do the rest
I touched a iPhone headphone
What’s y’all’s types
Describe your favourite game as a YouTube click bait title… (image unrelated)
What's your favourite non-boss Undertale song? (Like Snowy, Temmie Village etc.)
A criminal just broke into your house. Use your three most recently-used emojis to defeat or kick out the criminal. (image unrelated)
Guys what should I name my kitten? (Female)