Baby Eyeglasses
NYX Fat Oil
I don’t think my daughter is going to survive
Condos vs Townhomes
Tell me if you want to laugh in my face at thinking this is possible…
House hunting is depressing
You have unlimited money. What fragrances are you buying?
I am upset about the story of the NICU nurse in the news right now.
E.L.F Claim
Didn’t read the fine print— sample size??
Gtube removal scar question
Nurse from He(ll)
Due Date
Finally home after 387 days(!!)
Is Kayali worth the hype?
How long do shoes stay on the app?
December's Social Media Exchange
Had a toilet paper survey went from intrigued to mildly concerned
If you could choose one fragrance house and cycle through their fragrances for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Kill my FOMO: Name a frag you're thinking of buying, let other members talk you out of it
I just don’t know what happened…
24 Weeker, 1 Pound 9 Oz ❤️
4.5 Million Dollar Debit