Another colossi spotted, looks like it'll be an executioner variant.
Purple Stat Vs Gold Stat Cores
Ok, so I have legitimate questions about Void Erosion
Ines nerf is not addressing anyone's praise for the nerf
another meme I made
Jayber needs a buff, but even as he is now, I still think he's pretty fun in point defense content.
What if there was a special, Luna paint color?
My take on Ines nerf incoming..
The 400% dungeons are no longer fun, because of Ines.
Are they bring back the old Luna on S3 or s2 part 2 soon?
Stop support for a s4
Luna Aggressive Melody for VeP 30
Been running Void Vessel and 400% with Viessa just for fun. Discovered that Energy Collection does better for MP economy than MP Collector. What is your MP economy strategy with Viessa?
Sharen reactive skin showcase (And yes the devs acknowledged her prosthetic detail on her body being there)
Good QoL changes and skins but too little content
The people that always ask for nerfs on aoe Descendants are summer enjoyer
They are adding more religions to be paintable in costumes.
New Ultimate Weapons!
Keeping two Void Abyss bosses in cycle would probably help combat player boredom
Hey guys found the new abyss boss. Obelisk the Tormentor
What did you name your fellow?
Structured play through
Lepic Tow plus KGL
Calling it now
What was the last (& the first) outfit you bought from ETA-0?