What is the communities opinion on multi-boxing?
Quint-boxing hunters is one way to survive hard core
Struggling a bit to make progress- POE2
First Time DM for small group
Its over boys
I am stupid
Anti-heal makes me not want to player protector at all.
Thinkin about jumping into Cata
Okay, so -- what the heck even is Awakening the Machine?
Scifi Paperbacks
ISO: Computer Repair Shop
Optimal Alt Leveling Routes for 70 - 80 ?
Blizzard, I'm a DPS, why do you expect me to output 1mil hps? This is ludicrous. I want to have fun, not punch a whole in my wall.
KP drops in open world
Delves as healer ?
Worldsoul: snuffling help
A/C Repair recommendations based on your experience?
Hollowfall Zone Achievement
Meme permafreeze Hoarfrost Build, Freeze bosses & players for minutes at a time.
Help with my choice for t17 with 80div
new scarabs on the trade exchange? none listed on tradesite either
Vaal Spark Spam back on the menu?
World First SoD Molten Core by NOTA
Ideas on ways to increase phys max hit taken without increasing physical mitigation.