You are being kept on an island. There is no escape. Every day you receive a nutritious tasteless slop to subsist on. You are also granted the same uk snack every day for all your days. What do you choose?
From an Australian supermarket - what UK food should I try? (Pt1)
When eating, do you share your food with anyone else? Why? / Why not?
Do you name your genitals?
What's the worst Christmas dinner you've had?
If you won the lottery, what would you no longer want / need to buy?
What is your favourite day of the week? And why?
If you could only have one drink for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If someone had never watched anything on TV before and you could choose what they should watch, what would you go for? And why?
Life pre pandemic vs life post pandemic. What would you say are the biggest changes?
You're the captain of the RMS titanic 2. The iceberg has been struck. The ship is going down. There aren't enough lifeboats. You need to decide who gets on the lifeboats first. Who do you choose?
Non Canadian here, has legalising weed been a good thing?
What got you into bird watching?/ What do you enjoy about it?
What hobby have you come into as an adult?
You're on a bus. It is full. An old lady gets on the bus. She's wearing a tie dye t-shirt. You look closer, it says "hail Satan". Do you offer up your seat.
Jay-Z —— Nas —— Biggie
What Wu Tang song has the best beat?
What's it like?
What was your favourite subject in school and why?
Lidl shoppers. What is the best and worst "food week" and why?
Labrats what does your PI / group do that helps foster a good working environment? / ease the stress of academia?
You are set up on a blind coffee date. Two minutes in you realise you are not attracted to this person. What do you do?
You find a wallet on the ground. It has £500 cash inside. It also has the contact details of the owner inside. What do you do?
Our food is always stereotyped as bad/bland. What dish is your argument against this?
Anyone have any issues of buying refurbished electronics ?