What is the most useful thing you have ever purchased?
What is your current addiction?
My son says everything has a 50/50 probability. How do I convince him otherwise when he says he's technically correct?
Why do people wanna touch cosplayers?
Let the cat out of the bag
what do you normally do when you join a new job?
RPG recommendations
Optimal TOXIC NEST spawn camping!
What's your favorite food to pair with coffee?
What were your expenses for attending Super MagFest this year (2025)?
3 questions from a prospective Switch buyer
I feel like the Xennial/Millenial line is pretty clear with the Pokemon example, but I haven’t seen as many for GenX/Xennial. What’s yours?
grocery item you'll never pay full price for? where do you get it instead?
What is the most expensive game you have bought?
commander stucked at lvl 5 despite purchased?
My Kids Love "My Name Is Earl;" What Other Sitcoms Would You Suggest?
Which non-ip theme do you wish you saw more of?
What are some OOP bg you bring with you to play?
Before cell phones how did u get in touch with people out and about?
The 20 Worst Sitcoms according to TV Guide,2002
Halfbrick is cancer, any alternatives?
Campaigns are coming February 1st in the Dominion App
What’s the best echo in the game?
What is one "never have, never will" thing for you?
Staying an extra day is a blessing and a curse