What steps can we take to prevent further division and protect democracy in the U.S.?
If you were a prostitute, how much money would you ask for if they asked you to have a gangbang with a thousand men? (without any physical abuse, just sex)
Selena Gomez Sobs Over Mass Deportations in Since-Deleted Video: ‘All My People Are Getting Attacked’
Are you guys worried about what’s happening in the US right now?!?
Fans of dead celebrities, which death hurt you the most?
What Movie Sex Scenes Are Etched Into Your Mind Permanently?
These are what authentic American Marlboro Reds look like. For reference
I am balding since I’m 14y/o
Am I getting shorted too much?
Movies that are bleak and quite frankly depressing
Stories - Have you slept with Your Boss or a Coworker?
As Elon Musk appears to make a Nazi salute at an inauguration day event what should the incoming Trump administration do to address the incident?
Snoop Dogg faces huge backlash for performing at Trump inauguration party
Movies where the city is the main character?
Who do you think is the most intelligent country leader today?
I’m a 17-Year-Old TikTok Junkie. I Need This Ban.
What is it about the USA?
Do many people watch the 90s Star Trek shows anymore?
What corporation do you think actually hates their customers?
What commonplace belief do you strongly disagree with?
What show started off easily as a 10/10 but fell off, and why do you think so?
People who listen to one song on loop until they get bored of it : what is it currently?
What's the most important life lesson you've learned over the years and why?
What is the most tragic celebrity death?
Has anyone left a serious job to work at Amazon?