thanks college board for paying for my shoes
Which hxh character does your so/partner say you resemble the most?
Everyone today:
Should I take regular physics before AP Physics?
difficulty choosing schools - plz help
A Friend Group at my High School Calls Themselves the "HYPSM Squad"
As a sophomore how can I get a full ride to UF?
Is 8 Aps a good choice for all four years?
How bad does my ELA grade hurt me?
Notch says Minecraft in it's current state is not so different to how he would've developed it. Thoughts?
Is it late to study for the March SAT?
When should I start studying for the apush exam?
Guys is a 1280 SAT Score bad?
best apps/websites for full length practice tests?
Tag yourself, which differential D are you?
r/FortniteBR Winterfest Cabin
Bluebook SAT Practice Tests
What was Juice's favorite song he made?
What is the absolute best prep book to use?
How to solve this with Desmos? (PrepPros DSAT Math Book)
I’m genuinely wondering why people care about scores so much
Hot Take
Should I Beat My Meat The Morning of Test Day
I’m done y’all 😇. I don’t care if I got lucky
is this math book worth it? (barrons)