Some journal covers from my composition notebook collection. Having fun with drawing, collage and anything else handy. 1993-1995
My 1st journal from 1989 and the novel that got me started. Each entry begins, "Memo: to myself when I have a teenage kid..." Can't say it helped in that department, but journaling has helped everything else.
When your partner sees you have a meltdown because you finished your beloved Clairefontaine journal and don’t have another so he embarks on a secret treasure hunt in Manhattan and comes home with these
Just finished journal #253. Here's my most recent 80 journals. Time for a new bookshelf!
2024 was the hardest year of my life and these 1,280 pages got me through it
Red ink advice please ...
I created a 2024 collage calendar [analog]
Santa gets me
so how many diaries have you filled?
Does anybody else have a favorite color to journal in?
2 questions
Tasty! Starlee loves that Kaweco
If you could pick one song - for others to try and understand you better...what song are you choosing ? Why? What about it relates to who you are ?
Do you let your cat read your journal?
For those that journal for mental health, what are some of your favorite prompts or most effective ways that help you get deep into writing?
favorite size for a journal?
Hungry for that Diamine Peacock Flare
Do you have an index of your journals?
Finished journal #265 today. Titled it "Awake" because it chronicles 4 months of sleep deprivation. Insomnia journaling is entertaining to revisit.
Morning journal “exercise”
Writing slowly today for some reason
Starlee is an AL-star
Haven’t slept in 5 weeks so a consolation prize felt justified
How old is everyone in this sub
Found photo, 1971 - smoking cigarettes in the airport