Renewed my contract and lost all remote access because of being changed to CG-NAT!
[MEME] Us right now after a new working mod released
Jamo S81 Center vs S83 .. is it really worth upgrading?
Xiaomi bootloader unlocking..
Application quota limit reached, please try again after..
This sub's favorite quote.
No One Is Buying AMD Zen 5, Post Launch Update
'Sadistic' California man kills 81 animals during three-hour shooting rampage at vineyard
Which unrealized Alien project do you most wish you could see?
paranoid my heart is about to stop
I should leave this alone right?
Should I but the OLED Steam Deck?
IMHO, Alien/Xenomorph being created by engineers makes absolutely no sense
Is my blood pressure normal ? Should I worry ?
P12 Max Fan Control Issue
Do Not Be Intimidated by Lost
How scary is Blink Twice?
Mom jailed for life after son, two, shoots dead sister, four, with gun kept in diaper bag
What are small little "paper cuts"/annoyances Steam Deck users have to live with?
Can't express my femininity in ways that other young women who are not in poverty can.
I’m drunk and have access to tons of horror movies, what do I watch?
A great shout-out and comparison from JayzTwoCents
Rebuilt living room PC into a Metalfish T60..
worried abt pregnancy