For those who appreciate cinematic videography
I’m luckier than most married guys—my wife initiates every time we have sex!
I think i am addicted to my Q50RS
Random shi I be doing in the Redsport😭
What a good morning
Q50 RS + NFS Most Wanted?
Q50 RS + Clouds
Sounds as hard as eminem
It sounds much better in person tho
Q50 RS catback delete + K&N performance filters flyby
Another day another angle
Q50 RS
My Q50 RS
Help Needed! What happened to my car? 18’ Q50 3.0t
What movie would be very awkward if a sex scene was put in it?
Which TV show has never had a bad episode?
What ruins a movie instantly?
What are you most jealous of the opposite gender for?
What’s something everyone should experience in their lifetime?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
What do you do to climb out of a depression rut?
How do you manage failure?
What's the deal the LED bulbs lately, seem to be replacing them more frequently than standard bulbs?
What happened in the first nightmare you remember?
Without naming where you live, if your country had a smell what would it smell like?