How many of you sleep naked? Is it normal?
Do I look gay?
Wtf is wrong with some of yall
Anything you would change on my first PC build?
i got my first transphobe in dms
It turns out that if you p*ss off an NPC and make him chase you for long enough, he enlists some of his friends to join in the pursuit!
I have a freaking spider issue rn
How much is the rx 6600 or 6700 xt worth?
Bad reviews for RX 6600 (non-xt)
Are you afraid of death?
Your last emoji is how your mom reacted to your grades. How fucked are you?
Reddit, what is your favorite way to say you need to use the bathroom?
What do you secretly love that you would never admit to in public?
Pourquoi dans le boulevard saint Michel il y a régulièrement des transports genre camionnette de gendarmerie avec des membres du gign armé et près a se mobiliser ? Ou même des voitures de police avec les girophares et moto de police girophare et Siren qui vont grv vite?
m16, recently single and looking for someone to talk with
Tell me something random about yourself and I’ll give you a song
what is this weird orange thingy?
I'm done
How much have u spent on WAR THUNDER. Me I have spent $75.
i feel dirty in my own body
I drew these maps from memory, and I'm kinda proud of the results. Posting cuz noone I know cares (15M)
Connaissez vous de bons supports (chaînes YouTube, applications, livres...) pour acquérir des savoirs sur l'univers en étant adulte ?
Do it feels the same ?