Recently prescribed but told I can’t smoke weed.
New Intro Song?
Can you hear the pills shake when you swallow???
Bikini waxing on Spiro?
Kid put "Taylor Swift cardigan" on her wish list. I'm fully aware this is a knockoff - but is it passably close?
Need help/advice with weight gain/loss
Claudia “couldn’t” go to Shannon’s wedding because of an engagement party
What is your #1 baby shower gift? 👇🏻
what did you first notice?
Relying on pacifier
11 week LO waking every 2 hours on the dot at night
Monday AMA
NY post
Open book claudia
Daily Thread / February 23
How to start with 4 week old
Does mom or baby decide which night sleep will be the long one?
Random question
Anyone notice they didn’t mention the Taylor/Pia post?
Daily Thread / June 29
Daily Thread / June 14
Daily Thread / May 19
Jackie’s instagram 😒