My favourite ship for each character
What are your Companion and NPC ships?
Rapi being told I love you
Is it too much for a good little Redemption Durge to ask for?
Karlach is sad. Will you forgive her?
now it's just another day
What is Eminem’s longest rhyme scheme?
Let me ruin it for you 😈
Darth Vader vs Captain America?
POV: You chose Rapi.
Karlach, my WIFE, I love you
Q&A Megathread (Ask your questions here!)
My favourite images of my totally real wife Karlach (please send help I’m losing my sanity) 🥰
POV you're about to receive uppies
"What are you thinking about?" "Oh, nothing..."
Saved for a year only to get slapped in the face
Rapi never forgets to show her butt.
Vanguard mains knowing that after the initial rush of people picking the new heroes they will eventually have to go back to solo tanking sooner or later.
I hope this is somewhat accurate (What restaurant are they taking you to?)
I already feel the hate im getting after posting this. (no order in tiers except for S)
What is the weakest Psyker from Warhammer that can solo Emperor Palpatine?
Age comes for us all
cosplay idea?
A year before Palpatine overthrows the Galactic Republic, Superman arrives in the Star Wars universe. Can Palpatine still overthrow the Republic and establish a lasting empire?