Itchy winter skin?
Was told by PI that my being “too much” may be the reason for co-PhD’s lack of contribution. Has anyone experienced this?
Happy Gotcha Day!!!
🐾 gotcha day! 🐾
Looking for a 2-Bed Apartment to Sublet
no words necessary….
Anyone else’s catahoula need to feel like an adjoined twin?
Recent setback
Anyone else's Catahoula absolutely HAVE to be touching you while sleeping ?
Best of Em's stories
Mechanic recommendations
show me your amber eyed beauties 😍
Embarrassing Question
Never Reimbursed for PhD Interview
Tired catahoula
Anyone else’s ’houla obsessed with squish babies?
Extra shrimpy
Where tf can I get a Michael Vick jersey?
Exercise and Stimulation needed!
Leaking urine
Anyone else’s Catahoula smaller than average?
I think I might have a Catahoula
What university did you go to in Pennsylvania (primarily)
Professional backpacks?