Which phrase do you find yourself overusing at the moment?
MM romance where MC meets other MC for the first time while he is railing someone else while the other MC watches. Both MC's hold eye contact and continues having sex.
What's a quote from your story that live rent free in your head?
How do you write “ok” in your fics?
☆ day 4: good person & opinion are divided
How detailed to tag smut in long fics?
☆ day 3: horrible person & loved by fans
How do you come up with work titles?
Do you wait or do you upload as you go?
Words you'd never use?
When the tag you write for looks like this, you know you’re down bad.
What is the the WORST writing advice you've ever received that you followed for far too long?
☆ day 2: morally grey & loved by fans
What’s a book that left you thinking about it for days after finishing?
Do you prefer to read or write standalone books or a book series?
WIP/latest work excerpts
What's the first sentence, of the last book you wrote? Only give context if people ask. I'll go first:
What Are Your Favorite Moment(s) From Smut Fics?
Do you prefer to write in 1st person or 3rd person? Why?
MMM dark romance?
game time ☆ day 1: good person & loved by fans
Romance where the characters are INSANE about each other
How do you write romance into your fics without the fic being nothing but romance?
Aaron centric fics????
Ah Kevin my favorite judgmental bitch 💕