My humble collection.
My best mail call yet
What if we started a global movement to buy 1 ounce of silver?
Where do you earn cashback? In your saving account?
Sell now & regret later
The Time is Right for a RAID
Latest haul.
How should I invest rm10,000 on app?
SUI overtaking AVAX market cap
My completed set of walking liberties. Just finished today.
Avax always on the negative
Everything else is close to all time highs, except our Silver. C'mon man, wake the F up and join the party.
Almost 40, Lost - losing it all
Rate my setup
Ladies just arrived!
1st week stacking. I'm addicted. Going to need a vault at this rate
It's not everyday when a 10 kilo silver coin walks into your LCS
Been a while since I did one of these, but here's the stash
My very first silver coin.
Do u guys like my stack? Im 16 btw
Okay, that’s all I have…
The infamous dress turns a decade old this year
Full stack 1yr 4months
Just bought my first bitcoin at 18