When you think breakfast is a 10 but baby rates it a 6.
Curious… Tell me about the expensive baby products that are WORTH IT
Not teen mom related!!! Just need some more things to watch
We took the baby to Benihana and it went so well!
W is for “Why didn’t you wait on me Bentley?” X is for?
Is this normal for a lash tint?
V is for “Vee” W is for?
As a 30 year old man why did I just sob
Burger Sunday 🍔
Is our name too much of a mouthful?
Jasmine the snake. What a sneaky person she is!
Not a parent yet, but having trouble identifying as one
Lunch “fail” that I forgot to post
Best Episode for a Bad Day
When did you make the switch to one nap?
What toys are your one year olds actually playing with?
Using my mother's maiden name for my child's last name is getting complicated for reasons I wasn't expecting.
What's wrong with Florian 😭
It’s fine for your baby to not eat a ton
S is for “Sell the baby?” T is for?
Unpopular names you love?
What does my fridge say about me and my hubby?
Lochlan just can't help but take a peek 😭
What's the parenting hill you're willing to die on?
What is your 'I do not care for the God Father' Teen Mom opinion?