My soldier isn’t leveling up in any of the classes (PS5)
Is it a good idea for GTA 6 online to drop day 1?
GTA 6 hype is more than you think
What kind of projects standout in an interview?
Setpts vs trim
Error with Phone Signin
Video Export from a Canvas (THREE.js)
Ask Experienced Devs Weekly Thread: A weekly thread for inexperienced developers to ask experienced ones
Accessing WebSocket Connections Across Distributed Services
I had a lot more fun on xenoverse 2
Is the game actually good or not
Do you think rockstar would let a dying child play gta 6 early ?
Overwhelmed with amount of work needed to build just MVP
What are your sparking zero Hot Takes
Need Raw Podcast Video/Audio for a Project
Hopefully we’ll get Monaka in the DLC
What things do you not like about the game? What are your top 3 CONS?
Loving the game, but here are some changes I think would make the game better for everyone
Can't find ranked battles
This game is ridiculous (madden 24)
Co-op modes
Online expectations?
What is preload ?
Beam Clash cluster fuck is staying